How do I find an article if I have the citation?
If you have a citation for an article that you would like to find, use this step by step guide to find it in Browzine.
Here is an example citation:
Boksem, M.A.S., & Smidts, A. (2015). Brain responses to movie trailers predict individual preferences for movies and their population-wide commercial success. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(4), 482-492.
Click the Journals link on Wallace Library's homepage. Then enter the title of the journal in the search box. In the example citation, the title of the journal is: Journal of Marketing Research. Enter the journal title and click search.
You should see a page similar to the screenshot below. If you get no results or if the journal you are seeking does not show up, the library does not have access to the journal and you may submit a request through interlibrary loan.
Using the example citation, click on the title Journal of Marketing Research.
Next, navigate to the correct issue. To do that, identify the year, volume, and issue in the citation.
The example article was published in 2015, volume 52, issue 4.
Navigatge to the correct issue, then scroll down until you see the title of the article. Click on the PDF button to download the PDF of the article.
If you have any difficulties, please contact a librarian using the link below.