How do I find a movie?
Search the Catalog
You can search for a movie (title, actor, director) using our Library Catalog.
On the results page, limit your search to the Video format by clicking the ALL option under Format (left side) and then choosing Video.
We have movies in DVD format and eVideos on streaming platforms.
DVD, VHS, and equipment
We have an outstanding selection of videos, in DVD and videocassette formats, including many foreign-language titles and documentaries. Most feature films can be checked out of the Library. Some materials are non-circulating or are placed on reserve and must be viewed in the Library. Ask at the Information Desk in the Atrium for access to DVDs. They can also help you access viewing facilities and playback equipment.
To find DVDs in our collection, use the Advanced Search screen of the Catalog, enter your search terms, then click on the "Format" dropdown and select "DVD video.
If you are looking for a DVD that Wheaton College does not own you can also search local partner institutions in the HELIN Libraries consortium, or search other library collections at Libraries Worldwide by choosing those options on the initial search page or on the results page.
Streaming Options
Find films using the library’s streaming services, Docuseek, Films on Demand and Academic Video Online.
Public Library Cards
Additionally, anyone who lives, works, owns property, or attends school in MA may register for a Boston Public Library eCard, which provides access to the streaming services Kanopy and Hoopla.
You may also sign up for a Norton Public Library eCard and search the SAILS catalog.
For additional information or assistance, please reach out to a librarian.
Links & Files
- Search the Wallace Library Catalog Opens in new window
- Docuseek Opens in new window
- Films on Demand Opens in new window
- Academic Video Online Opens in new window
- Boston Public Library eCard Opens in new window
- Kanopy (BPL) Opens in new window
- Hoopla Opens in new window
- Norton Public Library eCard Opens in new window
- Norton Public Library / SAILS catalog Opens in new window