How can the library help me access materials for my classes?


The library is committed to helping you access your course materials for free.

Required Texts

The library makes every effort to place one copy of each required text for every course on reserve, ideally by the first day of class. You can find books on reserve for your courses on the library’s Course Reserves page by searching the course number or professor’s name. If you discover that a required text is not on reserve, please let us know. You can contact us through email or chat.

Checking out and Returning

  • Check out a reserve book by asking for it by title at the Information Desk in the Atrium on the Main Level. Print books on reserve can be checked out for 2 hours at a time. You can use the printers and scanner in the Atrium to copy or scan sections of books.
  • eBooks on reserve can be accessed by students as needed via the link in the course reserves page for your class. You can print out sections of ebooks if you prefer reading print. You can also find ebooks through the library catalog
  • Return items to the Information Desk on the main level or use a book drop, located in the main entryway, in the Atrium on the main level, and on the stacks level, outside the library at the Discovery Center entrance).

Renewing, Holds, Late Returns, & Scans

  • You can renew a course reserve once, for another two hour period, as long as another user has not put a hold on the item. 
  • If a Reserve book is checked out, you may place a hold on it so that you will be emailed when the item is returned. The item will then be placed on hold for you, however it will be held only for 15 minutes.
  • There are no late fees if you miss the return deadline. Please make every effort to return course reserves when they are due so that your classmates can use them. If you do not return a course reserve when it is due, your borrowing privileges will be suspended until you return the item. If you have lost the item, please email us at or stop by the Information Desk between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm weekdays. We will work with you to resolve the issue and reinstate your borrowing privileges.
  • You can request scanned chapters of books, both those that we own and those we don’t, through the Interlibrary Loan form. We will send you an email when the item is ready for you to access. 


If you have questions about finding course materials through the library, you can contact us through email or chat.

  • Last Updated Nov 19, 2024
  • Views 389
  • Answered By Cary Gouldin (she/her)

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