How do I find a book on a shelf using a call number?


1. Find the item in the catalog

Screenshot of a book record in the catalog. The book listed is "The book of virtues: a treasury of great moral stories" by William J. Bennett. The availability of the item is called out and indicates that the book is available for checkout. The location of the book in Wallace Library is in the Wallace Library Stacks. The call number to locate the book on the shelf is PN6014 .B695 1993. We will use this information to find the book on the shelf.

The record in the catalog will include the availability of the item, the location you can find it in Wallace Library, as well as the Library of Congress Classification Call Number. You will use the location and call number to locate the book on the shelves. 

2. Identify the call number

Call Numbers are read one row at a time, with each row providing more information to help identify the book or item. 

Example: The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories

Call Number: PN6014 .B695 1993

The spine label of the book titled "The Book of Virtues: A Treasury of Great Moral Stories" By William J. Bennett. The call number listed on the spine is PN6014 .B695 1993

Identifying and reading the parts of a Library of Congress call number

 Call Number Part

How to read it and what it means

The letters at the beginning are read alphabetically and correspond to Library of Congress classifications.

All the P call numbers come first, P1 to P9999, then all the PA call numbers, then PB, PC, etc.

In this example, the P classification is Language and Literature, and the N subclass is General Literature.

6014 The subclass number 6014, should be read as a whole number, with books in order from 1, to 10, to 100, to 1000, etc.

The next line is read as a decimal so .B695 comes before .B7

This is called a cutter number and represents the author. In this case .B695 indicates the book is by  the author William J. Bennett.

1993 The final line is read as a whole number, and can provide additional information, such as: volume, part, copy number, or publication date. In this example, 1993, is the publication date. Call numbers with no data on this line will be shelved before a call number with data in this line.


3. Find out which floor and/or room of the library contains that call number range


Call Number Locations

Library of Congress call number Floor and room
A-M Stacks level
N First & Second Mezzanine, Clark Room
P-PS Stacks level
PS-Z Stacks level, Second Stacks Room
Oversize, Quarto, & Folio Stacks level, Second Stacks Room
Reference Main Level, Reference Reading Room


Non-call Number Collections

Collection Location in Wallace Library
Periodicals Stacks level – Compact shelving
Maps and Atlases  Reference Reading Room


4. Find the item on the shelf

The image below highlights how library materials with Library of Congress call numbers are arranged on the shelves:

A photograph of books arranged on the shelf according to Library of Congress Classification System. The first book is "Anti-Story: an anthology of experimental fiction" with the call number PN 6014 .A58 1971. The second book is "The Art of Fact" with the call number PN 6014 .A76 1997. The third book is "The Book of Virtues" with the call number PN 6014 .B695 1993. The fourth book is "New Road 1943" with the call number PN 6014 .C62. The fifth book is "Sociology Through Literature" with the call number PN 6014 .C64. The sixth and last book on the shelf is "Prose Preferences" with the call number PN 6014 .C67. 




  • Last Updated Nov 21, 2024
  • Views 34
  • Answered By Cary Gouldin (she/her)

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